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Club Advisor Responsibilities


With respect to the student body at large, the advisor shall:

1. Interpret the aims and objectives of the club for members and non-members.
2. Help students to make their own decisions, identify their own problems, set goals, plan projects or activities, execute their own plans, and evaluate their own efforts.
3. Aid students in accepting responsibility for their own actions.
4. Welcome and listen to students' suggestions and ideas on co-curricular activities of the school.
5. Assist students by clarifying points at issue on organization business.
6. Respect the confidence of students seeking counsel on personal problems.


The officers, chairman, and members of the organization will turn to their advisor for help in a number of specific ways.  To aid these students the advisor shall:

1. Help the students define long-term goals, as well as short-term goals.
2. Counsel students on the best methods to be employed to reach specific objectives.
3. Suggest sources of information about the organization, new ideas for projects and activities, and answer questions frankly, fairly, and objectively.
4. Inform students of school traditions and customs and adhere to them.
5. Supervise the completion of contractual obligations of the organization, especially those with local vendors, DJ's, etc., which may involve written contracts.  Only the principal is authorized to sign contracts.
6. Help students to weigh issues, to give consideration to all sides of a controversy, point out alternatives, aid in analyzing and simplifying complex situations.
7. Enforce reasonable precautions against injury to participants in organized activities.
8. Hold at least one club meeting a month.
9. Follow up after each meeting of the organization to see if students are carrying out their assignments.
10. Ensure that the provisions of the MTHS constitution and club charter are carried out in spirit as well as form.
11. Supervise nomination and election of club officers and members.
12. Train elected club leaders to serve well.
13. Insure that rights of individual students are respected.
14. Inspire students to go on, even when failure appears pressing.
15. Aid students to publicize their activities before parents and other citizens.
16. Model respect to other clubs/organizations on campus.


The advisor's colleagues on the school faculty are frequently engaged directly or indirectly with a particular organizations affairs. With respect to professional associates, the advisor shall:

1. Be the chief advocate of his/her organization in the school.
2. Interpret the organization's aims to the faculty.
3. Keep the faculty adequately informed of the organization's program.
4. Represent faculty opinion to the students when they are deliberating  organization affairs.
5. Enlist the interest and support of other faculty members. 
6. Foresee possible conflicts, inconveniences, and disturbances, and try to resolve them before serious danger results.
7. Respect colleagues' wishes to each pupils in their classes; discourage requests by students to leave classes for activity business.
8. Aid colleagues in their activity work whenever possible.
9. Encourage teachers to suggest ways in which the organization may improve the school.


In school there are a number of non-teaching staff members, e.g., secretaries, custodians, food services, and clerical staff. Although contacts between these people and the class or club may be infrequent, they may be crucial to the public image of the organization in the community. The advisor shall help these staff members understand the significance of student participation in the management of school affairs, and discourage pupils from imposing on their time and energy.


It is the duty of the advisor to meet with the student group to make plans.  The advisor is ultimately responsible for the actions of the club and must know what is going on at all times.  No group may take official action without the approval and knowledge of the advisor.  The advisor must:

1. Sign all payment request sheets and see that they are submitted to the site controller.
2. Consider all contracts as legal binding documents.  All contracts must be reviewed and signed by the principal.
3. Submit all bulletin/Trailivison requests for the club.
4. Be in attendance during any club activity. If unable to attend, it is the responsibility of the advisor to find a suitable replacement.
5. Make sure that the students are clearing and scheduling ALL of their events with the director of activities.
6. Make sure that the club is officially recognized by the Student Government and that the Club Charter is on file in the Activities Office.
7. Ensure the club completes Club Renewal Forms and Club Budget yearly to remain active.
8. Be sure that parent permission slips are obtained when necessary.  The advisor must also be responsible for taking care of insurance and/or transportation if needed.
9. Allow the students to conduct their own meeting; advisors should guide them in proper use of basic meeting procedures, record keeping, etc.
10. Be ready, willing, and able to lend assistance to the club members when necessary and offer moral support and enthusiasm.


Club advisors must:

1. Participate in Club Sign-Ups/Club Rush.
2. Utilize 5StarStudents to record attendance at all club meetings/functions.
3. Supervise participation in any/all club events.
4. Maintain grade checks, in conjunction with Activities Director/Data Processor, for all club members.
5. Maintain code of ethics for all officers and students who participate in activities that take place after school hours.
6. Participate in activities that promote school spirit.
7. Participate in other activities as assigned by the school.
8. Conduct minimum monthly club meetings.
9. Attend Club Advisor Meetings when scheduled by the Activities Director and/or the Site Controller.