Sober Grad
About Sober Grad Night
Graduation night across the nation has proven to be one of the most dangerous times of a young person's life, due in great part to the presence of alcohol and drugs. Since the CHP established Sober Grad Night in 1985, the number of young drivers involved in alcohol related collisions during the month of May & June has declined dramatically.
With your help, we plan to hold this event to keep the graudating class of MTHS safe on graduation night. Over 50% of Monterey Trail High's graduates traditionally attend this fun-filled evening.
Graduation night across the nation has proven to be one of the most dangerous times of a young person's life, due in great part to the presence of alcohol and drugs. Since the CHP established Sober Grad Night in 1985, the number of young drivers involved in alcohol related collisions during the month of May & June has declined dramatically.
With your help, we plan to hold this event to keep the graudating class of MTHS safe on graduation night. Over 50% of Monterey Trail High's graduates traditionally attend this fun-filled evening.
How Can I Help?
The Sober Grad Night Committee, run by parent volunteers, welcomes all parents, friends, guardians and students of MTHS to participate in making Sober Grad Night the best night ever! We are looking for your support on the following:
Be A Part of the Committee!
Click the link to sign-up and receive communications about how you can help or scan the qr code . . .
Sober Grad Sign-up
As a non-profit all our proceeds go toward the event and the students.
As a non-profit all our proceeds go toward the event and the students.
Contact: Sober Grad Night Committee
Contact: Sober Grad Night Committee
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